Sunday, July 27, 2008

Where Commercial Meets the Community

Bloomer Chocolate, originally uploaded by kendoman26.

The Bloomer Chocolate factory is located int ther Fulton River District of the near northside of Chicago. When the wind blows just right the wonderful aroma of chocolate can be witnessed downtown.

I wonder how long the factory will remain. It is now surrounded by condo complexes with more to arrive.


Tom Gill said...

I've never seen this building, or heard of the company (shows how much I know).

The World's Finest factory on Archer and Lawndale often has an aroma of chocolate, but it doesn't really smell nice - I think it's too concentrated and over powers the nose.

Brokecompsoul said...

Tom - I don't know what they do with their chocolate. I think they have an outlet store on site but I'm not sure.