Sunday, April 13, 2008

Unexpected Results

Gateway, originally uploaded by kendoman26.

I was hoping to have my new rig assembled and ready today. Alas this won't be the case "pun somewhat intended" The motherboard refuses to work inside either case.

It was sort of funny yesterday evening, looking at parts around the kitchen table plugged into a motherboard sitting on a foam mat. One wire to the case power switch to start it all and it fired right up. Put the parts back into the case no workey.

So what you see here is my year and a half old Gateway, yes I don't take the stickers off. This morning I added the hard drive and replaced all the memory with the 4GB. I'd rather take pictures than fiddle with machines so this will become my rendering machine.

The specs aren't really too behind - Core 2 duo processor running at 1.86ghz, 4GB of ram, a 250gb and 500gb hard drives and an Nvidia 7200GS graphics board. I need to purchase Photoshop Elements for it as well as Office 2007 and I'll be in business. In the mean time I went out today and got the Mac version of Photoshop Elements.

My new plan is to recoup my money by selling the rest of the stuff off and instead of building something in late June, I'll buy something instead.

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