Thursday, March 27, 2008

Empty Harbor

Belmont Harbor, originally uploaded by kendoman26.

It's Easter Sunday, which has fallen almost as early as possible. March 23rd this year. The earliest it can fall is the 22nd.

Since Easter was so early, the weather tends to be cooler. Easter was in the lower forties and as you can tell nothing is in Belmont Harbor. Actually, that statement isn't true. Just south of this location a few small sail boats were in the water. I don't know what the reason was and I wonder if it was tied to the holiday.

A few more weeks and these piers will be filled. I'm looking forward to that.

1 comment:

Tom Gill said...

I like this shot. Those are intersting shaped docks, you don't notice them as much when they have boats around them.

I also like the hint of rocks under the surface in the foreground.