Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Church Skeleton

First Zion Lutheran Church 1, originally uploaded by kendoman26.

When you go through Pilsen on Halsted and look west you'll see a church steeple with windows for a roof. What you can't see from a distance is the fact that this is just a shell of a church.

Located at 19th and Peoria, the former First Zion Luthern Church was destroyed in a fire in 1979. In 1998 strong winds knocked down the side walls. What remains is the front wall and the foundation of the rest of the structure. Owned by John Podmajersky, it has been renamed the Sanctuary. I'm not sure what the long term plans for the site are. Hopefully what remains will continued to be preserved.

1 comment:

Tom Gill said...

That's sad, but pretty cool!

I hope they restore it.