Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Bridge

The Bridge, originally uploaded by kendoman26.

This bridge has been in the upright position for a long time. The gravel below has turned an orange color. The bridge was our second stop after the Iron Works. This was a really neat bridge


Tom Gill said...

I wonder if we could contact CSX and get a no liability permit to climb and photograph this bridge? Maybe it's something to look into for the next trip.

I'd love to see how this bridge works, what we were standing under must have been a counterweight that moves up when the bridge goes down - there's no way a train could get underneath, and it seems to be a perfect safety so trains can't fall off the bridge.

Anthony C said...

Guys, I don't understand. In the photo it looks like the rail top is shiny, indicating recent use. Are you sure the bridge isn't used anymore?