Sunday, October 26, 2008

Brown Line at North Ave Curve

Brown Line at North Ave Curve, originally uploaded by kendoman26.

Saturday was a decent day to go for a walk. I found myself taking the redline and first getting off at Chicago to check out the water tower. No fall leaves there, so I get back on the redline and head to North Avenue.

My original plan was to take either a bus or walk to Lincoln Park, but I never made it that far. I had just missed the bus so I decided to walk. Here is a loop bound brownline train that just passed the curve over North Avenue. With Loop Elevated construction, this train will become an orange line train when it leaves the Merchandise Mart.

I found St Micheals at Cleveland and Eugine. St Michaels is a huge complex of buildings with a 200 ft high steeple. It was impossible to get a photo of the whole thing. From there I walked through parts of Old Town until I got to Sedwick and then proceeded to take the Brown/Orange Line train back to Bridgeport.

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