Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Vacation - Day 2

1902 Library, originally uploaded by kendoman26.

On the second day of vacation I took the Metra train up to Waukegan. I spent a couple of hours at the harbor and in the downtown area

What can I say about my experience in Waukegan- one word I would use is disappointed. The city has a fine harbor. I think the piers are nicer than the ones we have here in Chicago. It's also my understanding that the city further west is nice, but the best way to describe downtown is that of a ghost town.

It looks more like 63rd and Halsted more than anything- wait strike that, 63rd and Halsted is more intersting and at least there's people milling about. Almost everything in downtown Waukegan is abandoned. This picture of the Old library located just west of the Metra tracks is a good example. It's not being used for anything though it looks like it's in good shape. The building across the street is being converted into condos, so maybe there's some hope that the old downtown can be converted into a residential area.


Tom Gill said...

I drove through Waukegan in the winter, on the way home from Wind Point Lighthouse in Wisconsin. I wasn't too impressed either. I took the Circle the Lake tour roads and found that they passed through some areas I wasn't too happy with.

Jacqueline said...

I use to live in Waukegan, for many years. The downtown has so much potential and I loved what it could of been, but it never went anywhere. There was something lovely about it, but it was too depressing to stay after years of seeing no improvement or change.

Ran across your blog by accident and I am really enjoying the photos.